June 25, 2012

The Secret To a Successful Marriage.

Spine of the book.

When I was in university, one of the professors said to us, his students, "The secret of a successful marriage is this: Marriage is not a 50/50 proposition. A 50/50 proposition is one where nobody is giving anything. Rather, the secret of a happy marriage is 60/40. The husband gives in 60 percent of the time and expects his wife to give in 40 percent of the time. The wife gives in 60 percent of the time and expects her husband to give in 40 percent of the time. In a 60/40 proposition, you don't clash in the middle and say, 'Now it's your turn.' Instead, you intersect and overlap, because you're each giving 60 percent.

-- Robert H. Schuller
Be an Extraordinary Person in an Ordinary World

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